Download HTC Sync Manager for PC (HTC PC Suite)- Mac, Windows

When you have a Windows PC or Mac the right kind of software that you need is the one mentioned above. This is usually given by every mobile company which wants their users to easily sync data between the phone and the mobile device and hence HTC has done it too. So today I am going through HTC Sync Manager aka the HTC PC Suite for Windows and Mac computers. HTC Sync Manager LogoHTC Sync Manager Logo

HTC Sync Manager

Just like other Nokia PC Suite or Samsung KIES, HTC Corporation has introduced HTC Sync Manager for PC supporting not only Windows but also Mac computers.

HTC Sync Manager Features

There are certain salient features about this sync manager -

  • The category ‘Apps’ lets you find out about all the latest apps, and details about older apps.
  • Manages data between the device and the PC in an easier manner.
  • Like name it literally manages whatever it is given to manage.

All you need to do is take your HTC device and connect the PC/ Mac with the device using original USB and it does the needful because rest of the devices is deleted and there is no problem in connectivity.

All the media files, the photos, music, videos, in fact anything on the device are synchronized perfectly with the help of this PC suite. Transferring media is as easy as deleting any file that you unlike. Windows media player and iTunes too can be transferred to the phone using this. The device synchronizes everything to the point of perfection and this could even include text messages and contacts, or any file for that matter.

You never lose any of your data. The backup tool is as good. This can create files of back up of anything that is there on your phone and can even store if on cloud storage and the PC. One way in which you will never lose your data. You can even transfer data from iPhones to your HTC device using this. All you need to do is double-click on the exe file and this gets downloaded and installed. It’s that simple.

Download HTC Sync Manager for PC